Mountain Top Motion Pictures

We are a happy bunch of Video – Photo – Edit team. Our members are committed to each other since half a decade now. Our plus is that we know each other in the team so well that all the gaps and loops are always settled well. Just a short description on all of us. I`m Ryan Dsouza, I began my journey back in 2011 and through the many years of experience working with couples, I realized I’m a people person and enjoy working closely capturing the essence of emotions, feelings, and special moments. With a mix of digital photography and film I love creating memories for a lifetime. Pintu Biswas: The Bengali Tiger. Our bond continues to enrich with each beautiful wedding we create. He brings about a mix of styles in the art of cinematography. Always cheerful and grounded. Tania Fernandes: The Talented. She’s a person who lives a normal life as simple as brightness and contrast but always in RGB mode. She is a constant motivation booster to the entire team. Aldrich Saldanha: The dedicated. Action Speaks Louder than words describes Aldrich in a sentence. His passion towards photography and teamwork completes MTMP. Systematic in his approach cool minded and a genuine person to work with. He is always striving for the best. Tejesh Korgaokar: The Risk Taker. In every team, there should always be a combination of a member who always reminds us about “Now or Never” and this is what we have – an explorer, go-getter. We`ve got a fevi-stick bond with him.

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